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  Star event categories  
Star Event Categories      

*Baking and Pastryan individual event, recognizes participants enrolled in a Family and Consumer Sciences culinary arts industry training program for their ability to demonstrate their baking and pastry skills through the preparation of a quick bread, choux pastry, shaped yeast bread, and demonstrate cake decorating skills. Participants must develop a plan for the time allotted, prepare menu items given to them at the time of the event, and present prepared items to evaluators.
Levels 3, 4.

Career Investigationan individual event, recognizes participants for their ability to perform self-assessments, research and explore a career, set career goals, create a plan for achieving goals, and describe the relationship of Family and Consumer Sciences coursework to the selected career. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Chapter in Review Display, a team event, recognizes chapters that develop and implement a well-balanced program of work and promote FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences and/ or related occupations and skills to the community. Participants must prepare a display and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Chapter in Review Portfolio, a team event, recognizes chapters that develop and implement a well-balanced program of work and promote FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupations and skills to the community. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Chapter Service Project Display, a team event, recognizes chapters that develop and implement an in-depth service project that makes a worthwhile contribution to families, schools, and communities. Students must use Family and Consumer Sciences content and skills to address and take action on a community need. Participants must prepare a display and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Chapter Service Project Portfolioa team event, recognizes chapters that develop and implement an in-depth service project that makes a worthwhile contribution to families, schools, and communities. Students must use Family and Consumer Sciences content and skills to address and take action on a community need. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

*Culinary Artsan individual event, recognizes participants enrolled in occupational culinary arts/ food service training programs for their ability to produce a quality meal using industrial culinary arts/food service techniques and equipment. Participants must develop a plan for the time allotted, prepare menu items given to them at the time of the event, and present prepared items to evaluators.
Levels 3, 4.

*Culinary Math Management, an individual or team event, recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Sciences skills to create an oral presentation to demonstrate the application of mathematical concepts in the culinary arts industry using the annual topic. Prior to competition, participants must prepare a file folder, oral presentation, and visuals. On site, participants respond to a case study.
Levels 3, 4.

+Digital Stories for Change, an individual or team event, recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to actively identify an issue concerning families, careers, or communities; research the topic; and develop a digital story to advocate for positive change, based upon an annual topic.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

*Early Childhood Educationan individual event, recognizes participants who demonstrate their ability to use knowledge and skills gained from their enrollment in an occupational early childhood program. Participants must prepare a portfolio and a resource container. On site, participants must plan and present to evaluators an activity related to the theme in response to a case study provided during the event and an oral presentation describing the activity.
Levels 3, 4.

Entrepreneurshipan individual or team event, recognizes participants who develop a plan for a small business using Family and Consumer Sciences skills and sound business practices. The business must relate to an area of Family and Consumer Sciences education or related occupations. Participants must prepare a portfolio containing a written business plan, which they are not required to have implemented, and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Event Management, is an individual or team event that recognizes participants who apply skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses to plan an event for an educational institution, community or non-profit organization, business, or government institution. Participants must prepare a portfolio and oral presentation. Level 2, 3 and 4 participants will also complete an event volunteering experience.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Fashion Construction, is an individual event that recognizes participants who apply Fashion Construction skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses and create a display using samples of their skills. Using new materials, participants construct in advance a garment or ensemble that dresses both the upper and lower body of a child or adult. Garment/ensemble must include at least eight fashion construction techniques. Display finished product along with appropriate accessories. Participants must prepare a display, sample garment, file folder, and an oral presentation.
Levels 2, 3, 4

*Fashion Designan individual or team event, recognizes participants who apply fashion design skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses to design and market clothing styles. Participants will develop a clothing label, research the intended audience, design the label’s first 4-piece collection, and construct one collection sample using an original flat pattern designed by the participant. Students will exhibit knowledge of all the aspects that surround design, including design basics, fabric choice, and pricing. For competition, participants must prepare a portfolio, sample garment, and an oral presentation.
Levels 2, 3, 4.

+FCCLA Chapter Website, an individual or team event, recognizes participants who use a chapter website to educate, inform, and involve members and the general public about the importance of the Family and Consumer Sciences program and the FCCLA chapter.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Focus on Childrenan individual or team event, recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Sciences skills to plan and conduct a child development project that has a positive impact on children and the community. Child development encompasses birth through adolescence. Participants must prepare a display and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Food Innovationsan individual or team event, recognizes participants who demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts of food product development by creating an original prototype formula, testing the product through focus groups, and developing a marketing strategy based upon an annual topic. Participants will demonstrate their knowledge of food science, nutrition, food preparation safety, and product marketing. Participants must prepare a display, suggested product packaging, and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

*Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreationan individual or team event, recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge of the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries and ability to translate their knowledge into a hypothetical or real business. Project must relate to culinary, lodging, recreation, tourism, or event coordination. Participant(s) will research existing businesses which are similar to their project, develop basic business plan and client services information, and create a website that highlights the business. Participant(s) will demonstrate their customer service knowledge and ability to problem solve through an onsite case study. Participant(s) must prepare a portfolio, an oral presentation, and complete a case study.
Levels 2, 3, 4.

+Instructional Video Designan individual or team event, recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to research, plan, and create an instructional video to deliver content as part of a lesson or unit of instruction.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

*Interior Designan individual or team event, recognizes participants who apply interior design skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses to design spaces to meet client needs. In advance, participants will create design deliverables addressing the specifics of the design scenario. Participants must prepare a file folder, an oral presentation, and visuals.
Levels 2, 3, 4.

Interpersonal Communicationsan individual or team event, recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupation skills and apply communication techniques to develop a project designed to strengthen communication in a chosen area: community, employment relationships, family, peer groups, or school groups. Participants must prepare a file folder, an oral presentation, and a response to a related case study.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Job Interviewan individual event, recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupations skills to develop a portfolio, participate in an interview, and communicate a personal understanding of job requirements. Participants must prepare a portfolio, including a job application, and express their communication skills and job knowledge through an interview.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Leadershipan individual event, recognizes participants who actively evaluate and grow in their leadership potential. Participants investigate their leadership ability, assess leadership and employability skills, and develop and implement a plan to further their leadership development. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

National Programs in Actionan individual or team event, recognizes participants who explain how the Planning Process was used to plan and implement a national program project. Participants must prepare a file folder, an oral presentation, and visuals.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Nutrition and Wellnessan individual or team event, recognizes participants who track food intake and physical activity for themselves, their family, or a community group and determine goals and strategies for improving their overall health. Participants must prepare a portfolio, visuals and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Parliamentary Procedurea team event, recognizes chapters that develop a working knowledge of parliamentary law and the ability to conduct an FCCLA business meeting. Participants must take a Parliamentary Procedure Knowledge Test, present a demonstration meeting using provided planning materials, and prepare minutes of the meeting.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Professional Presentationan individual or team event, recognizes participants who make an oral presentation about issues concerning Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupations. Participants must prepare a file folder, an oral presentation, and visuals. Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Promote and Publicize FCCLA! is an individual or team event that recognizes participants who develop an FCCLA promotion and publicity campaign to raise awareness and educate the school, parents, and members of the community about the importance of FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences education. Participants must prepare an oral presentation and portfolio.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Public Policy Advocatean individual or team event, recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to actively identify a local, state, national or global concern relating to an area concerning Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupations, research the topic, identify a target audience and potential partnerships, form an action plan, and advocate for the issue in an effort to positively affect a policy or law. Participants must prepare a portfolio and oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Repurpose and Redesign, is an individual or team event that recognizes participants who apply recycling and redesign skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses and create a display using a sample of their skills. Participants select a used fashion, home, or other postconsumer item to repurpose into a new product. Participants will create a brand-new product, not simply embellish an old one. However, participants may use additional materials if needed to redesign and creatively embellish the new product. At the event site, participants set up their displays and present the results of their projects to evaluators.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Say Yes to FCS Educationan individual event, recognizes participants who demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to explore and experience the career of being a Family and Consumer Sciences educator. Participants must prepare a portfolio, conduct classroom observations, plan and execute a lesson, develop an FCCLA integration plan, and deliver an oral presentation.
Levels 2, 3, 4.

Sports Nutritionan individual or team event, recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Sciences skills to plan and develop an individualized nutritional plan to meet the needs of a competitive student athlete in a specific sport. In advance, participants will prepare a sample nutrition and hydration plan based upon nutritional and energy needs of the student athlete. The participants must prepare a file folder, visuals, an oral presentation, and demonstrate a method to be used by the athlete to assist with nutrition management.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

Sustainability Challengean individual or team event, recognizes participants who address environmental issues that adversely impact human health and well-being and who actively empower others to get involved. Participants will research one of the five 2019–2020 topics, investigate areas where they can make a difference, develop and carry out a project for their home, school, or community, and educate others in their school or community. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4.

*Teach and Trainan individual event, recognizes participants who demonstrate their ability to explore and experience the career of teaching or training. Participants must prepare a portfolio of the teaching/training career, prepare and execute a complete lesson/workshop plan and an oral presentation. Level 2 and Level 3 participants will also complete a shadowing experience of a “best practices” educator.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4

Extra Requirements

Some of the STAR Event categories have more restrictions than just the Level of the student. Please pay close attention to the events with the following symbols: * and +.

* - Events denoted with the asterisk have the following course requirements: 

Baking and Pastry, Culinary Arts, Culinary Math Management:

                    Food Production

                    Culinary 1

                    Culinary 2

Early Childhood Education, Teach and Train:

                    Introduction to Education 

                    Education Technology

                    Childcare Guidance

Interior Design, Fashion Design:

                    Fashion & Interior Design 1

                    Fashion & Interior Design 2

Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism:

                   Consumer Services 1

                   Consumer Services 2


Digital Events

Some of the STAR Event categories have more restrictions than just the Level of the student. 

Please pay close attention to the events with the following symbols: * and +.

+ - Events denoted with the plus sign are Online ONLY:

Digital Stories for Change

FCCLA Chapter Website

Instructional Video Design

These events will not be listed in registration during the District or State Registration period. Instead submissions for this projects will be summited through the FCCLA portal by February 1 at 4:00 CST. A separate submission fee will be charged at that time from National FCCLA, it will show up as an invoice in your portal. The submission cannot be modified between Feb 1st and March 15th. The top 15 participants will be invited to present their project at the National Leadership Conference that summer!


Levels for Competiting
STAR Event Levels: 
Level 1:
 7th & 8th Grade
Level 2: 
9th & 10th Grade 
Level 3: 
11th & 12th Grade 
Level 4: 

If a student is competing in an event with an older student, the level of the oldest student in the group should be the level in which they compete.

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